

About Simply Web Traffic
Where frustrations of using Existing Traffic Exchange scripts became our New Goal.

After using various Traffic Exchange scripts over a number of years, which in their day where the best available, over time all these scripts missed one vital part, UPDATES.

With promises of updates, only leading to minor updates for additional MODS which could be purchased to add into a site, we thought the only way to solve this is to simply build our own Traffic Exchange script using the latest coding and updated php versions available.

The majority of Traffic Exchange scripts worth using are still working from php7.4 which on the 28th November 2022 received the (EOL) status. EOL meaning, End of Life with NO future security updates being applied. Thats over 2 years ago, sure the hackers of this World didn't take a 2 year break! Therefore without these up to date security patches this is leaving your personal details open to possible hacking attacks.

At SimplyWebTraffic, our Traffic Exchange system is running from the latest secure version of php 8.3, keeping your details as secure as possible across the web.
